CIOR Language Academy 2010

The 2010 session of the CIOR Language Academy (CLA 10) will be held in Vyskov, CZECH REPUBLIC from July 19-30, 2010. Up to 100 students from NATO, Mediterranean Dialogue (MD) and Partnership for Peace (PfP) nations will be immersed into an intensive two-week program to learn basic and intermediate skills in one of NATO's two official languages. STANAG 6001 testing will be provided up to SLP level 2222 for both English and French language.

CLA10 One Pager63.48 KB
CLA Added Value25.47 KB
CLA10 Support Letter65.74 KB
CLA10 Scholarship and Sponsorship Donation Form37 KB
CLA10 Student Application Form39.5 KB
CLA10 Vyškov Academy EN2.08 MB