Appreciation of soldiers after their return from operations and training abroad

Ocenění vojáků ze zahraničních misí

08.01.2016 • On Friday January 8th, a parade ceremony of Czech Army troops took place after their return from operations and training abroad, in the Ceremonial Hall of the National Memorial in Prague in Vítkov.

Pavel Beran, the Deputy for Economics and Property Section of the Ministry of Defence, and Lieutenant General Josef Bečvář, the Chief of the General Staff of the Czech Armed Forces, welcomed officially the soldiers. There were also present the Ambassador of the Slovenian Republic Leon Marc and other guests.

These officials also presented awards for exemplary completion of tasks in foreign missions to the soldiers of Task Force 11, and 14th Unit of the National Support Group of the Task Force of the Czech Army of Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan. Military observers of UN mission MONUSCO in Congo and UNMIK in Kosovo were also awarded.

The soldiers of the Task Force of the Czech Amy BLED 2015 and BALATON 2015 also attended the parade ceremony, on the occasion of completion of their military training in Slovenia and Hungary. The total of 48 army members was awarded the Memorial Coin of the Czech Ministry of Defence. Selected soldiers were also given the Cross of Merit of the Czech Ministry of Defence, Badges of Honour of the Czech Army for merits and other gifts.

During the two-month exercise BALATON 2015, the Czech troops were carrying out engineering and logistical support tasks in cooperation with the Hungarian Army. As part of the one-month long exercise BLED 2015, the Czech engineers, together with Slovenian soldiers, were practising construction of barriers. A medical group was giving expert assistance at the border crossing Šentilj.

The Chief of the General Staff Lieutenant General Bečvář said to the soldiers that there were no small or more important missions. “You fully accomplished the tasks you had been given, and I would like to thank you for it. You have demonstrated that you are well prepared for missions. I am sure that you have gained lots of experience and I believe that you will be able to apply it very well in your work. My thanks go to your families as well,” said General Joseph Bečvář.

“I appreciate that you are willing to give up the comfort of your home and go into dangerous places to represent our country,” stated in his speech the Deputy Pavel Beran. He also, on behalf of the Ministry of Defence, thanked the soldiers for their successful completion of the tasks in missions and training. The Ambassador Leon Marc, also expressed his thanks and appreciation to the soldiers who had worked in Slovenia. The Ambassador especially emphasised the assistance that his country has received. 

Author: Miroslav Šindelář
Video: J. Kouba

File Video - Ocenění vojáků ze zahraničních misí.mp4
Návštěvník (8. January 2016)