About 500 army recruits took their oaths in Vyškov.

Ve Vyškově přísahalo na 500 armádních nováčků

On Thursday 4th February 2016, about 500 students of the basic training course (recruits of the Czech Army) crowded the square in the Dědice base to cross a significant milestone in their new professional career – i.e. taking their military oath.

A muster of male and female soldiers taking their oaths, a flyover of combat helicopters, parading the battle standard of the Training Command - Military Academy accompanied by the Platoon of Honour, lined-up troops inspected by the Commander of the Training Command – Military Academy Colonel Josef Kopecký, also clarification of the significance of the military oath ceremony, the very act of taking the oath itself, troops on parade marching ... All of that was happening in front of several hundred guests, including family members.

"The military oath, which is inseparably linked with the army and the life of a soldier, is one of the milestones and also the cornerstone of any career in the army," stressed its importance Colonel Kopecký, adding that it is not only an important legal act, but also a moral obligation and commitment to defend the country. "For you, it is a commitment which entails values such as responsibility, dedication, courage, loyalty and honour," said Colonel Kopecký.

The final words of the oath show what a valuable act the oath for our society is. Not every citizen of our country is able to swear an oath that they are ready to defend their country and risk their lives. The significance of such patriotism was enhanced by the national anthem and several salutes during the oath ceremony. However, to start a military career, these recruits must meet all the criteria of basic training. They have yet another month and a half of intensive training left before the successful training completion. Only then can they become fully-fledged army professionals.

As an additional programme, the members of public were able to take a look at the modern armoured wheeled vehicles Pandur, Iveco and Dingo, used by the professionals of the Czech Army, both at home and in foreign operations, as well as a photography exhibition tracing the 25 years of the Movement “On Own Feet” - Centipede, relating to the aid given by the Czech Army through the implementation of military projects in areas affected by war, which have already helped many schools, hospitals, villages and especially the people in war-torn countries, whether it was in Kosovo or in recent years in Afghanistan.

Text: kapitánka Monika Nováková, tisková a informační důstojnice VeV – VA
Photo: Hana Jurčová, CKIT VeV – VA

Návštěvník (5. February 2016)